Creating events at the Misericordia has never been so easy and safe
bespoke layouts according to lawThe Scuola Grande della Misericordia di Venezia is ready to restart!
The Scuola Grande della Misericordia is since forever careful on observing the health and safety regulations for its guests and authorized personnel. In these section you can find some solutions to guarantee the organization of cultural events and exhibitions, conferences, private events in general, developed with a team of experts.
The Misericordia di Venezia is the perfect space where relaunch these activities in total safety, among the few locations with this plus thanks to its incredible volume – 26000 cubic meters – that allows event planners, curators, wedding planners, artistic directors to bring to life events by observing specific rules such as social distance and supervision of guests entrances and exits.

The two floors of 1000 square meters each allow to arrange visitors, guests and service staffs (from catering to sound specialists) letting everyone of them to occupy its own area without collides.
Inside a one of a kind location for history and esteem, even more special thanks to the high-tech tools intrinsic the building.
Layout solutions for cultural and private events
How to organize events according to the sanitary rules in force?
We have realized ad hoc solutions with technical experts to live memorable moments in total safety.
Exhibitions, conventions, meetings, conferences, weddings, private dinner partys, runway shows, film showings: for every event is possible to customize a specific set-up guaranteeing, for exemple, a distance of 1mt between the chairs occupied during a conference or between the tables of a seated dinner.
Layouts that can also consider the paths of waiters and technicians.

How many people can take part to the events?
With 2000 sqare meters divided into two floors, the Scuola Grande della Misericordia is suited to accomodate a considerable number of attendants observing specific rules of social distance.
Consult here our sample layouts:

An high-tech heart inside the Misericordia di Venezia: for glocal events
The Scuola Grande della Misericordia di Venezia is an ancient place with a strong contemporary soul because equipped with advanced technological services.
The environment can be customized using the digital lighting technology with remote control and the floor stand projectors (six); the air conditioning is manageable by zone an the heating sysyem is underfloor.
Plus: the wi-fi network available for the technicians permit to configure conventions and meetings with guests attending locally on site or worlwide on line.
Perfect for the “hybrid events” more and more requested.

More precautions: environments sanitizing and security plans
Every cultural and private event require maximum care nad attention: before and after each event, the Scuola Grande della Misericordia di Venezia guarantees environments sanitizing by a certified cleaning company.
Furthermore for every event a security plan is written, shared with the client and all the suppliers involved.
Necessary acts for the guests health and safety.